Sustainable Computing

SLAC’s Sadasivan Shankar on Energy-Efficient Computing
How can we design computing systems that use less energy while still accomplishing everything we want them to do?
Tina's Book Club holds URLs for three main categories:
Reports that inspired each workshop
Reports that referenced during workshops
Reports inspired by workshops
Sustainable Computing Articles
Department of Energy Announces Pledges from 21 Organizations to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Semiconductors and Bolster American Manufacturing
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced a commitment from over 20 companies and organizations to increase the energy efficiency of semiconductors by a factor of 1,000 over the next two decades.

DOE Announces Pledges to Increase Semiconductor Energy Efficiency
The Department of Energy has revealed the inaugural set of companies and organizations that committed to double the energy efficiency of semiconductors every two years over the next two decades.

ANL Special Colloquium on The Future of Computing
There are a myriad of ideas regarding computing’s future. At the Argonne National Laboratory’s Director’s Special Colloquium, The Future of Computing, guest speaker Sadasivan Shankar, speaks to the high-energy cost of the current computing paradigm.

Energy Of Computing as A Key Design Aspect
A technical paper titled “Trends in Energy Estimates for Computing in AI/Machine Learning Accelerators, Supercomputers, and Compute-Intensive Applications” was published by researchers at SLAC/Stanford University and MIT.

Argonne Helping to Revitalize the U.S. Semiconductor Industry
Argonne along with many companies and research organizations signs pledge to substantially increase energy efficiency of microelectronics over next two decades.