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Tina's Book Club

About Tina's Book Club

PI meetings & Workshop Studies

Tina's Book Club holds URLs for three main categories: 

  • Reports that inspired each workshop

  • Reports that referenced during  workshops

  • Reports inspired by workshops

Microelectronics at the Department of Energy: Capabilities and Opportunities for Driving U.S. Competitiveness

On February 24, 2022, as part of the White House announcement on its 1-year Supply Chain Reports, DOE, in its Supply Chain Review for The Energy Sector Industrial Base and Semiconductor Sector Report, gave specific recommendations for investments in conventional semiconductor (microelectronics) energy efficiency. 

Supply chain reports from the DoD and the DOC and DHS also included recommendations for energy efficiency in both R&D and in investment policies for microelectronics as well as their agency missions.

The Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), “The Decadal Plan for Semiconductors. Chapter 5: New Compute Trajectories for Energy-Efficient Computing.” January 25, 2021.